Humanity must somehow turn the dial of international relations from conflict to cooperation, which will require tremendous effort to accomplish over the maniacal resistance of rulers, primarily those in the West. It's an existential "must do".

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Graham's statement is simply the objective of the Anglo-Americam Militarists: To Loot The World!

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For chicken hawk Senators like Graham, Cotton, Rubio, Cruz and others I don’t think there is any great love of Ukraine or Israel which drives their warmongering. It is a nostalgia for the world of the past when America called the shots, and which no longer exists. Hence their fanaticism and unhinged rants.

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Cooperation simply cannot exist for them. Everything that is the object of their desire must be snatched or stolen, possessed and squandered in vain accumulations or illusory pursuits. This is their only possible relationship with the world.

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I thought Blackrock was in there somewhere?

So we decide to have a potential nuclear war/kill half of Europe because the US wants the minerals.

Thank god Putin is sane and a brilliant strategist.

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Beautifully laid out, supported with relevant data, and with a logically sound conclusion. Bravo!

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