Great article but I don't agree with any of that 60% believe Brexit was a mistake bullshit. I'll tell you the facts & they're the same now as the day of the vote. The media were all for remaining as their partners in crime the politicians were. So any media bullshit about Brexit is exactly that bullshit. Those who voted for Brexit have & were totally let down by Boris. He didn't do a thing, compare his actions to what Putin did when coming under massive western sanctions. He got out there, along with Lavrov & all of his various most important cabinet members. Visiting &making trade deals all over the world. What did Boris do, appear in the media every day telling everyone how fantastic he was & not doing a single bit of work for the country. Those who voted for Brexit are more convinced than they've ever been, thst they did the right thing. The biggest thing when talking about Brexit is the North South divide in England. If you or anyone can show me anything of benefit being in the EU did for the North, I'd love you to educate me on it. Because all I know is we in the North contributed as much of our taxes to the EU as Southerners did. But we Northerners don't benefit in any way like London or the South might of. We were the country that contributed the 2nd highest amount of money to the EU. This money supposedly went on improving the least well off areas. I personally live in the poorest region of Britain, have a look at any figures across the whole of the EU & compare them to the poorest region of Britain. Take a look what the poor regions in the EU received & see for yourself. You'll soon get the idea why my city was the 1st vote counted & it sent the shock waves through the establishment. It was so overwhelming to leave, they couldn't believe it. We've been labeled idiots, racists backward & everything else since. But the ones throwing the insults don't have a clue, about an evil dirty deal done against the industry & biggest employer in my city. That ensured it could never be revived. Despite being profitable. Ignorance is bliss as the saying goes.

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He was at school with Nathaniel Rothchild who , since his father Jacob recently died , is now head of the banking family . They have been very anti Russian for at least 150 years and " Natty " was heard to say that they must not lose Ukraine so I think Bojo was a messenger for him .

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Excellent analysis - though unlike Davy Ro I am looking at it from the southern hemisphere on the other side of the world. Nonetheless it was apparent that BJ was a prize twit - a clever one albeit and that he and Nigel F were self-serving populists re Brexit - and BJ happy to destroy Europe over Ukraine - including the people of Ukraine.

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I'm rather bemused that you are echoing the lying MSM in misattributing Britain's recent economic woes - that is not why I bother reading your blog. Brexit made barely a dent in the British economy (I know because I live here). The impact of lockdown, the subsequent inflation and tax rises, and the huge rise in energy prices since the sanctions on Russia have been infinitely more significant. It is wildly perverse to imagine that Brexit could possibly rival the consequences of just one of these - the deliberate shutting down of huge swathes of the economy for months on end, bankrupting large numbers of small businesses in the process. The anti-Brexit argument also rather falls flat when one considers how badly the EU itself is doing.

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