Hope I’m not being a naive Canadian here (a country that Zelensky could take some lessons on how to maintain a tolerable degree of sovereignty living next an aggressive superpower), but I am surprised as to why Western Europe could never forge its own path in terms of foreign policy. There are three rather large countries such as France, Germany and Great Britain, and a combined economy which probably equals that of the US. So it is really puzzling to me why the leaders, with a few exceptions, are so supine when it comes to US dictates.

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That’s a good question. I think there are many reasons for it: incompetent leadership, conflicting interests and competing member states, three letter agencies and foreign influence, NGOs, Eastern European states pursuing foreign policy not benefiting Europe but aligned with overall objectives of the US.

In my recent post I talk about how Europe could reclaim sovereignty and what stands on the way. It doesn’t answer your question directly but you may find it interesting nevertheless.


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Two bones of contention:

1) When it comes to international politics, Canada is an abject client state of the USA without even a modicum of sovereignty (sorry).

2) Russia is not an "aggressive" superpower. If they were they would have invaded and subjected Ukraine back in 2014 instead of tolerating huge Western interference and then signing the Minsk agreement to avoid a war. Your portrayal of an aggressive Russia buys into the Western info-war false narrative.

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I'm disappointed to see only 17% in Great Britain (I presume Northern Ireland wasn't included as United Kingdom is not the name used) are in favour of more neutrality with regard to Washington. Our late government has been a mere bag-carrier for the US and a new one led by the Kid Starver threatens be at least as subservient.

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Kid Starver - hadn't heard that one. So appropriate and succinctly lays bare that replacing Sunak with him is meaningless to those starving children. I hope the Workers Party can win more seats- and hold George Galloway's- the latter looks strong in polling.

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