Oct 31, 2023Liked by Tarik Cyril Amar

Great article! Good to see you on a Substack, I used to follow you on Twitter, but left last February. Anyway, Shlomo Sand has made a similar argument regarding the current cultural degradation in France where now Islamophobia and racism towards Arab citizens has replaced the anti-Semitism prevalent in France in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and where criticism of the Israeli state is punished.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tarik Cyril Amar

Thanks so much for sharing yr article. Deeply appreciated.

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Great points made by Mr. Amar! To purge itself of its guilt for perpetrating history's most infamous* genocide, Germany enthusiastically backs and assists in carrying out a new genocide by the state claiming to represent the victims of Germany's most industrial (but not its only) genocide. Germany's leaders think this expiates their guilt but in fact it does the opposite: it compounds it, adding the blood of Palestinians to that of 6 million Jews.

*Most infamous for well-known reasons, but not the greatest in magnitude. Take for example Japan's killing of an estimated 20 million Chinese in the 20th century as its method for exploiting and colonizing large areas of China. Was that not a genocidal campaign lasting decades? Japan also backs Israel's Gaza slaughter. If Italy's right-wing government does as well, the Axis millions died to defeat has had a posthumous revival of a core component of its evil.

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In the point, again. So necessary thoughts, in a place, just as you describe, where thinking becames a way of being ostracized, and looking at the new increasingly obtuse laws, endangerous as well.

"Vergangenheitbewältigung? Nein, danke" could be a favorite sticker in the hip, or "Freespeech? No thanks" or even "I will not missuse my brain thinking, I will do whatever the government recommend"

(the latter applied for the politicians, only that for them "the government" is the real one: the filthy floating corporatist, oligarchs,militar and banquers cartel, la créme de la créme).

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Now people forget that the Nazis didn't just kill Jews.

"An estimated 17 million people were murdered by the German Nazi regime and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945, according to data published by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). The estimates are based on the regime’s own reports as well as demographic studies of population loss during World War II. The latest estimate of the number of homosexual victims is based on research by German historian Alexander Zinn, who carried out extensive research on this group of victims."


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