“The old world is dying, and the new world is struggling to be born, now is the time of monsters”

Antonio Gramsci.

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The UK-based International Centre for Justice for Palestinians is bringing cases against UK politicians and others. I believe they've been working with organisations in other countries too.


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Now that the ICC prosecutor has finally acted, and I have heard that sealed warrants are not unheard of, the US must enforce its own laws. The Lehy Law, for one, and 18 U.S. Code § 1091, the law that brought the genocide convention into US law.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. Here's the best news of all, "...an offense under this section, an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation..." May they have visions of prison all the days of their lives.

The propagandists in the Mainstream Media should be charged as well.

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Two sentences stand out the most to me in this essay: "Israel cannot possibly exist the way it does without constantly breaking the law" and therefore "impunity is not a luxury for Israel. It’s a vital necessity." Karim Khan may have delivered a blow to that impunity that was limited by some inherent flaws, but it still has him on the lookout for Mossad (ok , that's likely hyperbole, but the threats he's received from the US and Israel are certainly intended to make him regret his actions, as well as acting as a warning to any future ICC prosecutors).

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Thanks for reprinting this. I don't agree that 'Israel, in short, is not an ordinary country. In reality – expressed in a “liberal” centrist idiom – it is the single most condensed case of a rogue state in the world.' Behind Israel stands the US which is the most powerful rogue state today, and perhaps in history, given its global reach and unprecedented detonation of nuclear bombs.

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For Khan to actually breach Israel's impunity, he has to move a lot faster now and actually get the arrest warrants for Galant and Netanyahu issued, and more for Israel's entire genocide (sorry "war") cabinet. Because that has not only legal consequences for them but also financial as well, and it binds many countries into the possibilities for getting then arrested and in the dock.

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Great article. The world is changing, the change led by humanity.

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May 25·edited May 25

Others - in Canada - are now declaring that October 7th was in fact a Netanyahu "false flag" event to ignite the genocide/ethnic cleansing plan against Gaza. Thanks, again - Tarik Cyril Amar. Oh and by the way - Baerbock was just last week in Australia - smiling benignly on her ignorant-but-also-complicit hosts - especially Foreign Minister P Wong.

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Now Americans, after reading this post, will realize that there may be a "method to Joe Biden's madness, real or feigned". How can you convict an old man with senile dementia who is perpetually confused?

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